
E.F.T in Hypnosis

Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $59.00.


“Learn how to stop doing boring long winded hypnosis sessions…

… and start doing action-based hypnosis that uses EFT tapping to create permanent change


What is the solution?
Integrating EFT (tapping) into Your Hypnosis Sessions!

Access the full three-hour replay of this previously recorded event, and I will teach you a meaningful strategy of the Emotional Freedom Technique and how to use it as a powerhouse hypnosis technique for induction, suggestive therapy, and post-hypnotic success even if you have never taken EFT training before!

Everyone’s talking about getting better results and creating interactive hypnosis sessions, right?
We all know that sessions that don’t engage the clients are sessions that don’t benefit the client.
But what almost no one understands about getting better results and creating interactive hypnosis sessions is the concept of EFT Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique) as a part of your actual hypnosis sessions. For most, it’s just an add-on before or after hypnosis, if it is even used at all!
I want to show you five incredibly powerful EFT strategies you can use in your next hypnosis session to make it more interactive, more powerful, and more effective.
It’s not using a hypnosis script with lots of good suggestions that helps you find the right solutions for the problem bothering your client; it’s integrating the action of tapping with the process of hypnosis that makes those suggestions take hold!
And that can help you stop doing long-winded sessions where you do all the talking, and the client just sits there hoping they can keep their eyes closed, and helps you to engage the client in their own success!
Milton Erickson told us that the client has all the resources within themselves to make change. EFT tapping brings the client’s own answers to the top of the mental deck and gives them a skill they can use in any situation. It works for weight loss clients, fear and phobias, hypnotic pain control, weight loss, and just about any other issue we see clients for.
Even though this event is past, you can access the full replay, all of the resources, the PDF notes, transcripts, and handouts. Just register now and you will get INSTANT ACCESS!

How can you get in on this REPLAY of
Our  ONLINE training with
Dr. Richard Nongard?

Just register now, and you will get full instant access to all of the training and all of the resources!


Dr. Richard Nongard
is an expert professional hypnotist, a licensed marriage and family therapist, and the author of numerous best-selling books on Ericksonian hypnotherapy, contextual psychology, and self-hypnosis. You will love his easy-going teaching style that wastes no time getting to the point and teaching you actionable strategies you can use in your next session.