
Transformational Visualization

Original price was: $150.00.Current price is: $36.00.


Master Transformational Visualization

Harness the Power of Imagination
Get Instant Access Right Now to All of the Learning Modules and Resources

Is your goal to become a more powerful hypnotist who can help clients literally transform their problems into a solution in just one session?

Transformational visualization is one of the most powerful techniques you can use with your clients. It helps them to create lasting change and achieve their goals.

Visualization is far more than simply creating a “picture in the mind,” and most hypnotists do little more than suggest clients “see something in their mind’s eye” when using visualization. Without knowing the deeper strategies and the science behind visualization, your sessions will be boring at best, and frustrating to clients who have a difficult time with mental pictures; or worse yet, cause them to give up on the hypnosis session altogether!

Do you want to create lasting transformation for your clients?

Learn the seven hypnotic methods of transformational visualization covered in this course, and your confidence will skyrocket, and your clients will have amazing results.

The best part? Not only will your clients benefit, but you will be able to achieve almost anything in your own life when you go beyond “a picture in the mind” and start creating your own life using these hypnotic methods.

This course will provide you with:

  • Written and printable hypnosis scripts.
  • Five video tutorials, all available 24/7 on demand in our online learning center.
  • You will learn Dr. Richard Nongard’s Bilateral Stimulation Safe Place
  • You will master multiple methods of visualization techniques, including those proven in psychology to be among the most effective techniques.
  • You will master spontaneous imagery and know how to help clients discover creative solutions.
  • You will learn how by involving all 5 senses, visualization becomes even more powerful!
  • You will learn active and passive approaches to tapping into visualization potential.
  • And you will learn how to apply visualization to any problem.

Here is the Best Part!

You don’t have to wait to get all of this or even to start benefitting from these strategies. By registering now, you get instant access to everything RIGHT NOW!

The Transformational Visualization course is in our online learning center and you can access it immediately!

When you complete this online course, you will be able to print your ICBCH Certificate of Completion in Transformational Visualization.

How powerful are these techniques?

As many of you know, 2015 was a rough year for me. I had multiple throat surgeries and ongoing problems, and felt ready to give up. Instead, I made the choice to do what I taught my clients to do. I used hypnotic visualization.

I wasn’t in the mood at the time to do anything complex, but I was willing to give visualization hypnosis a try.

The result? Within a year, not only were the health and personal problems behind me, but I had achieved every outcome I desired.

What outcomes? I was driving the car of my dreams, my health was restored (and a recent doctor visit last month confirmed the ongoing wellness), I moved into the house of my dreams, and things have better than ever. I finished an MBA, made more money, and my happiness has never been higher.

I attribute all of this to four mental images I created.

In this course, I will share with you exactly what I did, what I teach my clients to do, and what I do today to make transformational visualization an ongoing part of my success.

Don’t do boring “visualize yourself in a forest or at the beach” visualization. Move beyond the basics and master one of the most important psychological and hypnotic interventions ever developed.

Register now and get your instant access to this program.