How to Help More People & Make More Money doing Therapy & Counseling
I want to show you the strategies that can increase your fees, free up your admin time, and keep you working with the clients you do your best with. Oh, I am also going to show you how to make money online without becoming a therapeutic Uber driver and working for an app.
The Life You Want, The Financial Security You Need, and the Joy That You Want is Going to
Be Fueled By The Business You Build
Freedom is Just One Action Step Away
From: Dr. Richard K. Nongard
Where: Online
What does a ‘Successful Therapist’ mean for you?
For everyone it’s a little bit different…
For some, you have worked hard and make average money, but you know you have 2-3 years to make massive changes, or your retirement is going to be super lean, especially if inflation continues to reduce the value of any dollars you are saving.
For others, you are stuck in an agency or community health job that burns you out, works you to death, and stretches your ability to feel the joy and freedom you though you would get helping other people.
I define a Successful Therapist as a therapist who is both clinically effective and financially rewarded. I am going to assume you have some decent clinical skills at this point, but the one thing almost none of us ever learned in grad school was how to make money as a therapist.
Guess what? You can make decent money as a therapist. You can do it ethically, and easily, if you know the three keys to upping your income as a professional helper. But they don’t teach this in grad school. Insurance companies and agency owners don’t want you learn these things, and most of us are so busy helping other people we don’t have time to start learning something else.
I have spent over 33 years as a counselor, In 1994 I discovered the keys to my own financial destiny while still doing the work that I love. I learned to love marketing (even working on my MBA in Business Marketing that I finish in July of 2022), and to make more money by making some simple changes to the way I structure my time, my services, my contracts, and my self-worth.
The Challenge costs $59 to join. The cover your materials during the challenge (more on this below).

With the Successful Therapists Challenge, I could easily charge $1000 for this training program, but I know that what you need now is a lifeline so you can start to afford stockpiling for your retirement.
I actually do sell some of my practice development courses for $4000 or more, some of which contain this same information, but
Need More Information Before You Make Your Decision…?
Let Me Break Down All the Awesome Stuff You Get When You Join The Challenge Today!
Let by Dr. Richard Nongard, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who is a successful author of numerous psychology, counseling, and leadership books. He is also a recognized expert in business and marketing.
The Successful Therapists Challenge is Different Than Any Other Therapy Marketing or Business Event You Have Attended!
This challenge in not some “course” that you will never use.
It recognizes CLINICAL efficacy and ethical services are the foundation of success.
With the SHOW you need to EXECUTE a business strategy
And a RELEVANT set of strategies you can use today. My goal is for you to start making more money immediately, and I will give you doable and actionable strategies on day one.
The biggest challenge for almost all therapists is recognizing that the business of therapy, and the clinical side of client care are inseparable no matter what type of setting you work in, even in non-profits or community mental health.
For any therapist who is struggling financially or does not feel secure about their long-term financial future, the problem is
A Lack of Execution
(or, being led to execute in the wrong way).
This Challenge is NOT for Everyone
So, What’s The Catch…?
The catch is simple. I want you to discover new ways to make more money as a therapist, and move on to use some of your increased success to hire us for some of our other business related training courses.
That’s it… my “evil” ulterior motive – for you is to make more money with the ideas I share so that you keep using my business training courses, consulting, and software to continue your success.
So, my goal is to help you make money… then hopefully you’ll chose to re-invest some of those profits back into the products and services that we sell.
But I know something important – if in this challenge I do not give you a clear path to making more money you will loose all interest in my books, other courses, or consulting.
And so, you will get far more than $59 worth of content, and even if I never hear from you or see you in a future offering, I will know that you benefitted from this challenge.
Why Time is Of the Essence
Is There a Guarantee?
Of course… 🙂

Here’s What To Do Next…
From here it’s just finalizing the details. Click on the button below and create your account, then we can finally get started!
Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and watching the video and I look forward to hearing your success story at the end of the challenge!
Dr. Richard K. Nongard
P.S. In case you’re one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here’s the deal:
When you join the “Successful Therapists Challenge” today (for just $59) I’m going to give you a ton of resources to help you make more money.
You can attend live on Zoom June 8-10, at Noon Eastern time, or access the replays 24/7 on your own schedule.
Oh, and if for some crazy reason you don’t love the challenge – Email me and I will delete your account and refund your $59.
Sound fair? Then what are you waiting for!?! Join the “Successful Therapists” challenge today