Viral Leadership:
Seize the Power of Now to Create Lasting Transformation in Business
“Dr. Nongard shares great insights around viral leadership and how a simple idea, like our DoubleTree by Hilton cookie, can truly transform a business.”
– Chris Nassetta, President & CEO, Hilton Worldwide Holdings, Inc.
Get the new eBook with inspirations stories to help you create success in any business!
“Richard’s beliefs and approach to leadership are true and simple…leaders serve others with authentic direction.” Randy Dobbs, Former CEO and President, GE Capital – Information Technology Solutions
Leadership, even in an office of one, is essential to getting your message heard!
Viral Leadership is lasting and creates a legacy of related ideas, projects, and solutions. These innovative ideas are sustainable and can even transform far beyond their original purpose. In this book, you will master the actionable strategies in the Four Quadrants of Viral Leadership and harness the power of now to create lasting change.
There are two distinct mindset themes you are going to notice throughout this book. First, that business is perhaps one of the most magnificent creations of all time. And second, that effective leadership is viral in nature. Viral Leadership ignites others, it creates innovation, and it continues to build upon itself. It creates a culture of engagement, not just among the executive, but at every level.
Viral Leadership is your pathway to seizing the moment, and potentially impacting billions of people with something that changes every aspect of life. Viral Leadership is important because it produces true freedom. It frees a leader from being the sole source of power and from being reliant on their own, limited resources.
The biggest takeaway is the value of connection. It’s one thing to lead, it’s another thing for your leadership go viral! You will discover how to inspire others to share your message as you read this book.
Are you ready to seize this moment? To go to the next level? Are you ready to lead others, innovate ideas, and make your mark in either a new business or well-established business? Then this is the guidebook for you and your leadership team.
Excerpt from this book
Viral Leadership is the approach to leadership that makes actionable the idea that decisions only exist in the present. There are no such things as “future decisions” to be made. How many times have you been in a meeting where something was tabled so that “future decisions could be made?” But we don’t know what the future holds. If anyone could predict the future with certainty they would be ruler of the world! To focus on future decisions, is to miss the power of Now. Today creates the future. Viral Leadership understands that. The outcome of our Now decisions lets us flow with the unlimited possibilities that will emerge. As leadership transforms others and contributions are added, resources become generated and viral excitement creates now opportunities.
Business is one of the most creative, ingenious and resourceful endeavors known to mankind. Yes, art, music, and literature are creative, but business changes mankind in a different way. Ancient and modern manmade wonders of the world such as the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Great Wall of China, Stonehenge etc., are all awe-inspiring, but Microsoft, Walmart, and Toyota Motor company are all equally as amazing.
The Japanese construction company Kongo Gumi Co. has been in business since 578 AD. It has been family owned and operated continuously for over 1400 years. They are still in business to this day! The Royal Mint in the UK has been in business for over 1150 years. In America, there are several businesses over 200 years old. There is a pretty good chance while you are reading this book that you are wearing a Brooks Brothers shirt, or at least have one in your closet. They have been filling our closets for over 200 years. In 1795, Jacob Beam created and sold his first barrel of whiskey. The Colgate toothpaste hit the shelves in 1873 but the company had been in business selling soap and candles since 1806. According to their website, that company today has more than $15 billion and sells its products in over 200 countries and territories worldwide.
The foundation of any successful company’s longevity can almost always be traced to an explosive enthusiasm that captured the moment. Today we call these “a-ha” moments. Building upon this initial enthusiasm through effective leadership, one can transform society and create something sustaining. This is the very nature of Viral Leadership. Viral Leadership is necessary because it transforms people and cultures. Can you imagine how life would be entirely different if Microsoft had never existed? Without Microsoft we would largely be using bucket-specific applications rather than cross-platform user experiences. Everything would be different. From the personal PC that most everyone on the planet uses today, to the entire foundations of business communications, product development and how people interact, Microsoft plays a major role in everyone’s daily life. Would you even have the same career, doing what you do, if Microsoft never existed?
Viral Leadership is your pathway to seizing the moment, and potentially impacting billions of people with something that changes every aspect of life.
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