
Healthy Pregnancy & Childbirth with Hypnosis 3 Trimester Script Download Pack


Three complete hypnotherapy sessions, each designed to help you enter a natural, healing trance state, where you are able to relax, manage emotional responses, and take control of physical discomforts, all throughout your pregnancy.

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Three complete hypnotherapy sessions – in an instant-download .pdf format – each designed to help you enter a natural, healing trance state, where you are able to relax, manage emotional responses, and take control of physical discomforts, all throughout your pregnancy. 

Hypnosis is not a substitute for neo-natal care or medical supervision. Please ask your attending physician about using self-hypnosis as a natural method for creating wellness during your pregnancy.

Self-Hypnosis Script Content

Hypnosis for Pregnancy and Childbirth:  The First Trimester

Women who desire a safe and natural childbirth experience are discovering how hypnosis can be used to enhance bonding, prepare the body for labor and delivery, and promote health throughout pregnancy. This audio hypnosis session will help you learn self-hypnosis techniques to overcome morning sickness and reduce risk, by providing suggestions to maximize health during pregnancy and prepare for childbirth in a fun, easy to follow way. Studies indicate many positive benefits of self-hypnosis during pregnancy, and this session is your starting point for a safe and natural delivery.

Hypnosis for Pregnancy and Childbirth:  The Second Trimester

During the second trimester of pregnancy, hypnosis can help you realize physical comfort despite changes to the body, help promote healthy growth of the baby, and help you develop a deep spirit of joy as you face changes in your family.  It is essential to learn self-hypnosis techniques to master safe and natural childbirth, and this audio session will guide you through the process to maximize the health and happiness of you and your family.

Hypnosis for Pregnancy and Childbirth:  The Third Trimester

In the third trimester of pregnancy, hypnosis is used to create a foundation for natural childbirth and to guide you through this amazing process without complications.  Our modern society calls it “labor pains,” but through hypnosis you will come to understand childbirth as it is truly meant to be: a wonderful bonding experience that is safe, natural, and that the body already knows how to do.  Hypnosis uses simple yet powerful visualization techniques to guide you through the childbirth process – to be successful at managing pain and discomfort, and to facilitate natural healing of the body after giving birth.