
Deep Sleep With Hypnosis

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The word “hypnosis” comes from the Greek word for “sleep” – and there is no better way to end restless nights than to learn self-hypnosis.

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End Insomnia and Restless Nights.

In these audio sessions you will learn self-hypnosis techniques that will help you:

  • Calm the body.
  • Turn off the mind.
  • End racing thoughts that keep you awake.
  • Achieve a deep relaxing resting, and is perfect for nightly use.

This self-hypnosis session can be used by children and adults. The word “hypnosis” comes from the Greek word for “sleep” – and there is no better way to end insomnia or restless nights than to learn self-hypnosis.

Note: This content is not meant as a substitute for professional medical attention.  Please consult with your physician to rule out any physical or mental complications or for the diagnosis and prevention of illness. Do not listen while driving or operating potentially dangerous machinery.