Discover and live a positive life with self-hypnosis.
Three basic guided meditations designed to help you begin a daily mediation practice and to benefit from metaphysical truths that promote wonderful living!
The three guided meditations include:
- Body Scan Mediation
- Loving-Kindness Meditation
- Releasing Negative Energy Mediation
Each, and provide a wonderful way to harness the power of the universe and develop a manner of living consistent with positive energy.
Richard K Nongard, LMFT/CCH is a Licensed Family Therapist and a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. You will enjoy his educational style using the techniques of mindfulness meditation, clinical hypnosis, and neuro-linguistic programming or NLP.
Note: This content is not meant as a substitute for professional medical attention. Please consult with your physician to rule out any physical or mental complications or for the diagnosis and prevention of illness. Do not listen while driving or operating potentially dangerous machinery.