Resource Anchoring for Trauma Recovery Techniques for your NEXT Session!
When: Saturday, January 27, 2024
Where: 12:00 PM Noon to 02:00 PM Eastern Time
Online and worldwide in our VIP learning center
with Dr. Mike Denninger, LPC and Dr. Richard Nongard, ICBCH Certified Professional Hypnotist
The techniques you'll learn are based on Multi-Channel Eye Movement Integration (MEMI) and designed for hypnosis professionals to begin using in self-hypnosis and client sessions.
Optional upgrade to VIP access for additional resources including the transcript, hypnosis scripts, and a downloadable trauma recovery session!
Lasting trauma recovery requires more than reprocessing memories. Over-focusing on trauma content can impede progress (and causes elevated dropout rates). Milton Erickson emphasized accessing clients' inner resources to counterbalance trauma. MEMI-based resource anchoring aligns with this approach - helping clients recover without (undue distress or) the risk of false memory, regression, or re-traumatization.
VIP Access gives you a resource guide with printable scripts, a downloadable hypnosis audio session for trauma recovery, and access to the full event transcript after the event.
VIP Access gives you a resource guide with printable scripts, a downloadable hypnosis audio session for trauma recovery, and access to the full event transcript after the event.
It engages the client on multiple sensory levels using eye movements, spatially guided visualizations, and verbal direction. This coordinated stimulation repatterns the connections underpinning the trauma, allowing new positive resources to emerge. (Contrary to cognitive processing of trauma through changing irrational thinking, resource anchoring and eye movements deactivate fear responses where they are formed in the limbic system. Cognitions then self-adjust—become more benign—without any focus on thought patterns at all!)
You will learn a science backed approach!
de Voogd et al. (2018) shows a direct link between bilateral eye movements and amygdala deactivation when faced with perceived threats. This is the first clear evidence of a biomarker supporting what NLP innovators and the Andreases theorized—that atypical eye movements serve as pattern interrupters ala NLP and are the change mechanism desensitizing traumatic memories—not bilateral stimulation on its own.
The key insight is that lasting change requires more than rational thought or "talk therapy." When recalling trauma, the mind and body react as one - with associated images, emotions, and physiologic responses. Effective treatment must integrate interventions across these channels. (This is what MEMI does as it combines an eye movement intervention with anchoring and hypnotic language). As Milton Erickson originally emphasized, bypassing the conscious mind to access the rich, embodied resources of the inner world is essential. This is the language of trance. Resource anchoring provides hypnotists with a portal into the inner world, where we can powerfully reshape the client's relationship to their trauma without having to endlessly re-live troubling content. Join us and add this invaluable tool to your hypnotic toolkit!
VIP Access gives you a resource guide with printable scripts, a downloadable hypnosis audio session for trauma recovery,
and access to the full event transcript after the event.
Learn from renowned experts in MEMI and clinical hypnosis. Acquire knowledge to start confidently applying profoundly effective trauma counseling strategies right away.
Mike Deninger,is a licensed professional counselor and expert in eye movement integration (EMI). He specializes in trauma treatment, holding certifications in Ericksonian Hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and has over 25 years of experience working with diverse PTSD clients. Deninger authored "Multichannel Eye Movement Integration: The Brain Science Path to Easy and Effective PTSD Treatment," drawing from his expertise and personal experience as a trauma survivor. He is actively involved in mentoring and training mental health practitioners in sensory-based trauma treatment methods, collaborating with the Arizona Trauma Institute.
Dr. Richard Nongard is the author of “Turn Around Trauma” and an expert in hypnotherapy and mindfulness based contextual psychology. He is the architect of SHEMER, a self-help approach to eye movement therapies and is passionate about hypnosis based methods for helping people recover from trauma.
VIP Access gives you a resource guide with printable scripts, a downloadable hypnosis audio session for trauma recovery, and access to the full event transcript after the event.
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