Over 265 pages! A modern script book, with scripts based on Contextual Psychology, giving you tools for manifesting real change. These scripts do not depend on outdated approaches like regression, or traditional approaches based on simple suggestion. They are designed to draw on multiple tools such as NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) ACT Therapy, Mindfulness Meditation, Direct Suggestion, Indirect suggestion and integration of hypnotic phenomena with contextual psychology.
These scripts are in a variety of formats, some include complete inductions, and others are sets of suggestions that you can use, adapt and integrate into other scripts that you have written or utilize. Some are short and some are lengthy.
So many script books fail to include scripts for manifesting phenomena like time distortion, perceptual change or other powerful methods of modern hypnosis. Many of these scripts also inlcude valuable pre-talk instructions, post-hypnotic suggestion and techniques for deepening trance states.
There are scripts for medical hypnosis applications, scripts for habit and lifestyle issues, and scripts to meet your clients metaphysical needs or needs for self improvement. There are also scripts for Mindfulness Meditation, a technique favored by outcome-based treatment.
This incredible eBook contains complete hypnosis scripts for professional hypnotherapy, including:
Medical Hypnosis, Mindfulness Meditation and Resource Scripts:
- Pain Control Process
- Overcoming Pain and Increasing Physical Comfort
- Glove Anesthesia
- Future Pacing Success Before Medical Treatment
- Pregnancy: First Trimester – Preparing the Mind and Body
- Pregnancy: Second Trimester – Enhancing Awareness and Control
- Pregnancy: Third Trimester – Preparing for Labor and Childbirth
- Weight Loss: Session 1 – Adding to the diet to lose weight (Paradox)
- Weight Loss: Session 2 – Breaking addiction and changing preferences
- Weight Loss: Session 3 – Creating Healthy Habits & Increasing Activity
- Weight Loss: Session 4 – Relapse Prevention and Motivation
- Fear of Dying During Sleep
- Financial Crisis Meditation
- Pornography Addiction
- Chocolate Meditation
- Rising Above the Stress of Life Meditation
- Gratutude Meditation
- Trataka (Object) Meditation
- Sensual Meditation
- Script for Eye Open Trance
- Waterfall of Positive Emotion
- Middle of Nowhere Technique
- Wayward Clock: Time Distortion
- Hypnosis for Goal Setting
- Stop Dipping/Chewing Tobacco: Age Regression
- Stop Dipping/Chewing Tobacco: Identity Strength
- Smoking Cessation: Identity & Phsyical Awareness
- Smoking Cessation: Concern about Weight Gain
- Smoking Cessation: Visualization Awareness
- Smoking Cessation: Stress Management
- Impacting Alcohol Abuse and Problem Drinking
- Overcome Lost Love and Heart Break
- Overcome Social Anxiety: Confidence Building
- Enahnce Creativity: Overcome Writers Block and More
- Eye Fixation Induction
- Passive PMR Induction
- Milton Erickson Sytle Confusion Induction with Arm Levitation
- Simple Staircase Deepener
- Fractionation Deepener
- Sports Performance: Maximizing Athletic Potential
- Sports Performance: Circle of Confidence
- Golf: Enhancing Focus and Confidence
- Golf: Perfect Putting
- Academic Performance Script
Short Scripts from Contextual Psychology and ACT Therapy
- Identifying Core Values
- Anchoring Mindfulness Meditation
- Skill Building after PMR Induction
- The Miracle Question from Solution Focused Brief Therapy
- Rational Emotive Therapy in Hypnosis
- Affirmations in Hypnosis as Counters to the Deprressing Triangle
- The Willingness Dial
- Acceptance as a Tool in ACT Therapy
- Cognitive Diffusion
- Leaves on a Stream Mindfulness Exercise
Plus Additional Scripts from Richard Nongard’s successful self-help CD Series
- Anxiety and Stress
- Perfect Poker
- Day Trang Stocks, Options, Futures
- Enhance Sexual Performance
- The Fast Phobia Cure
- Healing for the Body
- Insomnia: Sleep all Night
- Stage Fright and Public Performance
- Text Taking Anxiety
- Test Taking Memory and Recall
- Overcome Procrastination and Increase Motivation
Dr. Richard K. Nongard,is a Licensed Family Therapist and Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. His books, CDs, and DVDs are used worldwide, and he is the author of many other training products you may find useful, including Mindfulness Meditation for Pain Management, and more.